
Felix H - Portland, Maine

"on point."

John L - Portland, Maine

"The visualization"

Adam Z - Boston, Massachusetts

"Being aware of biases we all have when making decisions and how you act with others."

Monica D - Albuquerque, New Mexico

"Meditation "

Melanie R - Mineola, Texas

"the multiple learning tools utilized by the speakers - education, engagement, participation, guest speaker, examples."

Chris G - South Portland, Maine

"I liked the incorporation of mindfulness exercises into the CLE itself."

Jason R - Springvale, Maine

"I liked how they guided us through some mindfulness techniques."

Molly M - Presque Isle, Maine

"Guided meditation"

Karin T - Salisbury Cove, Maine

"I found this discussion to be effective at explaining implicit bias and also to suggest life strategies to be aware of it"

Sandra B - Santa Fe, New Mexico

"Advice to communicate regarding difficult situations."