
Keith P - Kennebunk, Maine

"identify implicit biases and bring them to consciousness"

Peter B - Lewiston, Maine

"Using a committee to look into these issues"

Thomas D - Westbrook, Maine

"It's important who is in charge of your diversity program."

Donald W - Santa Fe, New Mexico

"Recognizing the type of bias I might have in any interpersonal relationship."

Guy L - old orchard beach, Maine

"Always try to be objective"

Wren S - Gorham, Maine

"To be ever on the lookout for implicit biases in myself and to help combat bias in the workplace. "

JOANN C. A - South China, Maine

"SHare with office and with clients that I am committed to DEI"

Casey C - Falmouth, Maine

"recognize own bias"

James S - Cumberland, Maine

"Treat people fairly and with an open mind."

Kelly W - Salt Lake City, Utah

"Include clients in diversity CLEs"