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Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.
2 Hours 1 Minutes
Audio and Video
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Where the Crawdads Sing is a novel that has sold over 15 million copies and has been created into a best-selling movie.  In this murder mystery Catherine "Kya" Clark is accused of murdering Chase Andrews after their relationship ended.   We will examine the trial by reviewing clips of this movie and discussing the trial tactics by the prosecutor and defense.  
$99.00 - $160.00

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On Demand

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Roy Ginsburg
1 Hour 1 Minutes
Audio and Video
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Everyone knows lawyers are not supposed to chase ambulances, but do you really know what that means? What are the ethical traps that lawyers unintentionally fall into when placing information on their websites? Is it okay to say you “specialize” in an area of law? Refresh your memory of the basic marketing ethics rules that you haven’t looked at since you took the MPRE. There are
$51.00 - $80.00

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On Demand

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Brian T. Guthrie, Esq. |  Anna Marie Thatcher |  John M. Stuart, Esq. |  Barry R. Vickrey, Esq.
1 Hour 18 Minutes
Audio and Video
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Abraham Lincoln once said, “As a peacemaker the lawyer has superior opportunity of being a good man [person]. There will still be business enough.” Lincoln on Professionalism was created by the Atlanta Bar Association in partnership with the Chief Justice's Commission on Professionalism in Georgia in celebration of the 200th Anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. The CLE program presents the writings of Abraham Lincoln to create an engaging documentary-style program on professionalism.
$79.00 - $155.00

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On Demand

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Michael Maschke, EnCE, CEH, ACE, CISSP
1 Hour 1 Minutes
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Electronic evidence plays a critical role in most cases. Frequently, relevant evidence is now found in the cloud and not on a local computer, server, or external hard drive. Businesses and consumers are using cloud services more than ever. Microsoft 365 has taken over the business world. Third-party messaging apps such as Instagram, TikTok, and WhatsApp continue to flourish. The cloud is now ...
$51.00 - $80.00

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On Demand

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Alan Blumenfeld |  Katherine James |  Act of Communications |  Anna Marie Thatcher
Audio and Video
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How many times have you thought you prepared a witness perfectly only to have that witness fail – either just a little, or completely and disastrously? Do your problem witnesses keep you awake at night?  Do some witnesses affect YOUR performance? You are not alone. Every attorney knows exactly what a “star witness” looks like, acts like, and performs like. A star witness is...
$139.00 - $179.00

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On Demand

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Barron Henley, Esq.
1 Hour 2 Minutes
Audio and Video
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Microsoft Word combines font and paragraph formatting into something called Styles. By default, styles are automatically applied to all text whether you want them or not, and the feature cannot be turned off.  This seminar will demystify the subject of Styles and show you how to customize Styles to work for you rather than suffering their automatic default behaviors.  By mastering Styles customization...
$51.00 - $80.00

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On Demand

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Graham Thatcher |  Anna Marie Thatcher |  Charles Abourezk, Esq. |  Alicia Garcia, Esq. |  Brian T. Guthrie, Esq. |  John M. Stuart, Esq. |  Barry R. Vickrey, Esq.
1 Hour 5 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
A master of the courtroom stage who possessed an uncanny understanding of human character, Clarence Darrow was arguably the greatest trial lawyer of the twentieth century. An adamant opponent of capital punishment and a passionate proponent of civil and human rights, he was often called the "Attorney for the Damned" because he fought for the underdog and took on criminal cases thought to be hopeless. Yet, while commanding respect as a trial lawyer, Darrow was often embroiled in bitter controversy for his unpopular stands on many issues and criticized for his purported unethical professional behavior.
$82.00 - $109.00

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On Demand

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Katy Goshtasbi, Esq. |  Janice Walshok
Audio and Video
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Everyone has biases. It’s natural. While me might recognize our own explicit biases, the unconscious nature of implicit bias makes them easier to ignore. Unfortunately, ignoring our implicit biases impacts not only our practice success, but our entire life and reputation.   When we are able to recognize our own biases, and those of others, we can be in control of changing systematic biases within our workplace and society...
$51.00 - $80.00

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On Demand

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Daniel J. Siegel, Esq.
1 Hour 1 Minutes
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Ever since law firms began using computers, there have been concerns about whether attorneys must or should use special security measures, like encryption, to protect confidential and sensitive information. Changes in ethical and procedural rules, including requirements that lawyers must (1) be technologically competent and (2) redact court filings, highlight the need for lawyers to be proactive w
$51.00 - $80.00

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On Demand

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Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.
58 Minutes
Short Description:
On October 21, 2021, Alec Baldwin shot and killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins while rehearsing a scene for the movie Rust and Alec Baldwin was charged with Involuntary Manslaughter.  Critics argue that charges should not be filed since he believed the gun did not contain live ammunition.  Whether you are deciding to file a civil complaint or criminal charges, attorneys must conduct a
$51.00 - $80.00

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