Everyone has implicit biases that influence their judgment. However, when selecting a jury it is important for attorneys to uncover the implicit biases of prospective jurors to obtain a jury that can hear your client’s case fairly and impartially. Further, it is essential for attorneys to understand their own implicit biases and how they can influence your decisions when
Prominent South Carolina attorney Richard Murdaugh was convicted of Murder and he filed a motion for new trial alleging that the clerk of courts tampered with the jury by advising them not to believe Murdaugh’s testimony and pressuring them to reach a quick guilty verdict. After an evidentiary hearing where a juror indicated they were influenced by the clerk to return a guilty verdict, the judge overruled the motion finding that there was insufficient evidence to overturn the jury’s verdict.
Electronic evidence plays a critical role in most cases. Frequently, relevant evidence is now found in the cloud and not on a local computer, server, or external hard drive. Businesses and consumers are using cloud services more than ever. Microsoft 365 has taken over the business world. Third-party messaging apps such as Instagram, TikTok, and WhatsApp continue to flourish. The cloud is now ...
Internet Legal Research on a Budget directs lawyers to useful and reliable free (and low-cost) resources and explains how to use them effectively. This edition has updated information about resources discussed in the first edition, new resources, and expanded chapters on Casemaker and Fastcase.
Note: Attendance at approved live course events are required to be reported by the Maine State Bar Association (course sponsor) to the Board of Overseers within 30 days following the program. Certificates of completion are for attorney records only and should not be submitted individually to the Board and will not be accepted by the Board.